Monday, April 10, 2006

Yar... the Pain Sinks In
Perhaps I shall refer to this past weekend as "The March of the Beers." Or maybe "Reisling? Get me 10 bottles!" I don't know, but hopefully it won't slow me down too much this week. It was a party down weekend fit for a college student, of which club I am a member no more.

Just a quick thanks to the S.O.B. Alliance for inviting me in, and to Little Green Footballs for a the link. You guys (and gals presumably) ROCK!

I plan to work more on the final visual details of the site as time goes on. Still ecstatic about the mythical right sidebar. Currently, I've been trying to finish up the game Far Cry, so that I can continue on to F.E.A.R. and beyond. If anyone out there plays World of Warcraft, let me know so we can hook it up online.

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