Friday, April 21, 2006

Impending Doom II
Republicans are having a hard time selling the fantastic economy as an asset in their portfolio, so to speak. I'm feeling a bit like I did during the runup to the 2004 elections, in that the MSM has turned its propaganda blowtorch toward the Bush administration in an effort to turn the election in their favor. If it rolls out now like it did then, we're in good shape. A couple of choice quotes:
Independent pollster John "The election is Kerry's to lose" Zogby sees the public's skepticism over the economy as part of a larger picture of overall concern over the direction of the nation and a president struggling to recapture Americans' confidence.

I added the part in italics, 'nuff said.
In a recent speech in Chicago, Senator Clinton focused on the middle class, arguing that "tax cuts are not the cure-all for everything that ails the American economy."

OK Senator First Lady Hillary Rodham and sometimes Clinton, tell us then... what IS the cure-all for everything that ails the economy? Clearly you know, or you would not have made a statement that appears to be so ridiculous on its face. Since you clearly know, why aren't you telling us? For the record, while I believe nothing can be a "cure-all" for the gargantuan American economy, tax cuts have played a large role in turning around the Clinton Recession.

Comments on "Impending Doom II"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:17 PM) : 

As the CSM article demonstrates (don't know if you read past the unemployment figures), there's more to a healthy economy than a few numbers that could and will change. There's health care, there's the price of gas, highest debt ceiling, on and on. The people see that, why can't you? If it were a Democratic administration, that's exactly what you'd be saying, too. And the Heritage Foundation? Heh. Not exactly a nonpartisan judge of whether tax cuts are to thank for this latest batch of stats.


Blogger Deacon David Oatney said ... (12:16 PM) : 

I HAT TO ADMIT IT, BUT THEO HAS A POINT HERE-The numbers are quite deceptive, and the economy is not in the best of shapes-it reminds me of the economic situation under Bush I, when he adopted policies that conservatives were constantly warning him against.

Likewise, Bush has adopted a series of policies that conservatives have warned him against, from wreckless spending to wreckless foreign moves (such as Newt's warning about Iraq policy.


Blogger Chucko said ... (12:12 PM) : 

From my post:
"while I believe nothing can be a "cure-all" for the gargantuan American economy, tax cuts have played a large role in turning around the Clinton Recession"

I don't look for unbiased sources if I don't feel their necessary. Almost any source claiming to be "unbiased" almost assuredly has an agenda. The Heritage Foundation's articles are always well written and cited.

Dave said...
"Likewise, Bush has adopted a series of policies that conservatives have warned him against, from wreckless spending to wreckless foreign moves (such as Newt's warning about Iraq policy."

I agree regarding the wreckless spending. This is something we fundamentally need to get under control. Wreckless foreign moves? Iraq policy? Are you referring to Newt's comments on the Today Show? I respectfully disagree with Newt regarding setting up Iraq on the same model as Afghanistan as it appears that this route could not have been taken. Iraq is in the midst of a major transition, and the Iraqis have to understand the importance of joining the international community and the rest of civilization as fighters of terrorism. I'm generally not for intervening overseas, however 9/11 changed that for me. Once we get a few solid democracies set up in the middle east, the world will change for the better.


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