Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pig Ear(marks)
Fellow SOB'er Porkopolis found a great site exposing earmarks. If this site or others become more prominent in exposing the giant, clear flowing drain of tax dollars that is the United States Congress maybe we can somehow salvage our economy and cut spending in the future.

Highlights from Porkopolis:
* 135 Earmarks

* Total of all Ohio earmarks: $33,645,000

* Largest earmark: $1,750,000 for the Columbus Children's Research Institute, for facilities and equipment

* The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra getting $300,000 for the Sound Discoveries program for K-12 students

* The Taft Museum of Art getting $200,000 for exhibitions and outreach

* The Toledo Jazz Society getting $100,000 for music education initiatives for youth and teachers

* The Cleveland Institute of Art getting $50,000 for expansion of programs

* The Camp Fire USA Northeast Ohio Council getting $50,000 for the Young Leaders Serving Ohio program

* Miami University getting $30,000 for digitization

* And much, much more
This is the single greatest area of deep disappointment for me in the Bush administration, and even more so the Republican Congress. On the rare occasions that we actually are able to get tax cuts passed, typically they are temporary and spending does not decrease.

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