Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A few quick notes...
Just to be clear, I do still exist!

My Time Warner adventure never really quite came around... my internet service was down for a full month. I was promised technicians that never showed up, or showed up and continued making excuses about what the root cause of the problem was. That month, I probably spent more time on hold than I did just about anything else. Eventually I just gave up and signed on with Zoomtown again, and it seems to be working very well at the moment. Anyway, that's that, and I'm online.

Other rather dramatic developments in my life (as well as some recreational activities) have kept my attention away from the Chuckoblog. The most (bitterly) amusing was that expired, and I had to purchase it back.

I look forward to posting on a regular basis regarding politics, religion, and World of Warcraft again soon, so stay tuned.


Comments on "A few quick notes..."


Blogger crystal said ... (1:36 PM) : 

Yay! You are blogging again! I have been in conservative withdrawal bliss for so long but now I need to get my pew pew liberal weapons out and dust them off! :)


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:47 PM) : 

Welcome back to the world Chuckie.


Blogger Deacon David Oatney said ... (11:12 AM) : 

Charles, you have been terribly missed!


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