Thursday, June 01, 2006

Noonan: Three Party System
Peggy Noonan does this topic justice with her usual tact.
They both want their teams to win. Part of winning is making sure the other guy loses, and part of the fun of politics, of any contest, of life, can be the dance in the end zone.

But the dance has gotten dark.
As I've mentioned before, America may be ready for a three or even four party system, as the Republicans and Democrats increasingly appear more concerned about power than issues. Immigration in particular has opened many eyes to Washington's dark secrets.
Americans worry about the myriad implications of the collapse of the American border. But Washington doesn't. Democrat Ted Kennedy and Republican George W. Bush see things pretty much eye to eye. They are going to educate the American people out of their low concerns.
Indeed it may be this condescending attitude that spawns the demise of the well established, funded, and protected by law two party system.

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