Monday, February 20, 2006

Mohammed Image Archive
The Religion of Peace (TM) is rioting all across the middle east and places abroad because a few artistic renderings of their main prophet have found their way into publication. For a much deeper overview of Mohammedic imagery of the past and present, go here:

Mohammed Image Archive

As of this writing, many have died in the riots. At least one priest and several children have been killed, and one church burned. The world must awake and fight this animalistic behavior. It's time to force them to choose between civilization and death.

Was I offended when an "artist" submerged a crucifix in a glass of urine and called it Piss Christ? You BET I was. How about when an image of the Virgin Mary was smeared with animal dung and portrayed with cutout photos of genitalia? Yep. Sure was. So angry in fact, that I reckon I'd have some pretty harsh words for the "artists" had I met them in person. Harsh words indeed. Now comes the critical question: Would I have threatened to cut off their heads? Nope. How about burned down art galleries or murder artists? Again with the negatory on that one. In fact, I doubt I'd have any homicidal tendencies at all as I'm a human being. I'm a devout Catholic who takes his religion seriously, respect for life and all. I'd loudly denounce any who would make threats or cause harm to those who had created the pieces... and let everyone else determine for themselves exactly what they were pieces of.

UPDATE 03/09/06:

Here's a cartoon involving Jesus Christ that some may find offensive. As soon as the Christians start rioting and cutting off heads, let me know and I'll eat my socks.

Comments on "Mohammed Image Archive"


Blogger Chucko said ... (10:42 AM) : 

Past comments from this post:

If you think it's just about cartoons, you're pretty naive.

It's time to force them to choose between civilization and death.

Wow! You're pretty civilized, too.
Minh | 02.20.06 - 11:52 pm | #

Yes, if someone has an inclination to kill because they have offended, then they must choose between satisfying that urge, or being killed.

If all you are going to do is insult my intelligence when posting on my blog, please don't bother. Civilization is under assault, and all you can do is call ME naive.

Don't worry Minh, even though you support my right to murder you because I have been offended, I will not do so.
Chucko | Homepage | 02.21.06 - 11:32 pm | #

I'd encourage visitors to check out Minh's blog at BDS is prevalent.
Chucko | Homepage | 02.21.06 - 11:46 pm | #

[quote]Yes, if someone has an inclination to kill because they have offended, then they must choose between satisfying that urge, or being killed.[/quote]

Graphic illustration of my "naive" point.

[quote]Don't worry Minh, even though you support my right to murder you because I have been offended, I will not do so.[/quote]
Thanks, Chucko. That's what I call a "civilized gentleman."

PS, thanks for the GoogleJuice.
Minh | 02.22.06 - 1:49 pm | #


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